Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Props to AirTran!

Congratulations to AirTran Airways for removing a 3-year-old who was having a tantrum and her parents on a flight departing from Miami to Boston. The child apparently was crawling under the seat and hitting her parents, and would not sit down in her seat for takeoff, a requirement of all children over age two. The child delayed the flight 15 minutes before the airline asked the family to leave the plane. In return, they were booked on a flight home the following day, refunded the cost of the three tickets, and offered a free voucher anywhere in the US.

This is obviously annoying for the parents, who insist they will never fly AirTran again, but it is a well deserved occurrence considering they could not control their child. Thanks to the airline, the other 112 passengers on the flight did not have to put up with a pesky brat screaming and hitting people for the three hour flight, and were not subject to a continued delay by parents who could not get their child to sit for a mere 20 minutes while the plane took off.


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