Sunday, May 25, 2008

PMS now a medical disorder?

Used to be, a woman could have excessive cramps and additional cranky-pants-ness and she'd pop a Midol and move on. Today, the hypochondriac-creating drug companies have created PMDD, which officially stands for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, but perhaps also refers to a condition in which the sufferers breasts swell to DD size during PMS.

Primary symptoms of PMDD, as listed on the info sheet I received from my prescription drug insurance company (no, I'm not kidding):

- Feelings of sadness, despair, or possibly suicidal thoughts
- Feelings of tension or anxiety
- Lasting irritability or anger that affects other people
- Mood swings and crying

That's right, one more excuse to prescribe mood stabilizers. Not long now before we're all popping a Soma and bowing down to Big Brother.

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